Your G Suite mail is not delivering the mail and not receiving mail and getting an error message of not accepting the domain’s DMARC policy or sent message has been blocked. The similar error messages you are facing, here in this article we have given a solution to go through it.

How to resolve the issue of G Suite mail not accepting the Domain’s DMARC policy verification?

First case: Not receiving and sending mails through G Suite Mail. [Add Gsuite MX Records on your hosting/domain]

If you cannot send and receive the mails from the G suite mail you need to add the Gsuite MX Records on your hosting cPanel. This problem occurs when you use different hosting or your domain is changed to hosting on another platform.

Whenever using third-party hosting you need to verify the MX Records of G Suite, as of Gsuite MX Records listed below.


Follow the step-by-step process on how to add the Gsuite MX Records on your hosting cPanel

  • G and login to your cPanel
  • Select the zone editor under the domain section
cpanel zone editor to manage all records like mx records settings
  • Click on MX Records
managing all mx records on cpanel
  • Now add the above-listed records
Adding gsuite mx records on cpanel hosting
managing all type of records on cpanel
  • Now test your mail after 8-24 hours

Second case: Enable the DMARC record and add DKIM, SPF Records

Follow the step-by-step process on how to enable your DMARC on your hosting cPanel

G and login to your cPanel

  • Select the zone editor under the domain section
managing all type of records
  • Click on Manage under your domain
managing DMARC, DKIM and SPF records on cpanel
  • Identify your DMARC, DKIM and SPF records
identify the gsuite DMARC and SPF records
Adding gsuite DMARC records
  • Enable your DMARC by checking the none option
enable the gsuite DMARC record
Adding Gsuite SPF records
adding gsuite DKIM records
  • Now test your mail after 6-10 hours

If you are still facing any issues with G Suite your company domain mail, comment below.

Resolved issue of zoho mail not receiving mails from wordpress

If you are using Zoho for your domain mail and not receiving the emails to Zoho, get the solution for Zoho mail not receiving the emails from the wordpress website.

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