Have you know you can make money by selling Themeforest Premium WordPress Themes and Plugins without an Affiliate program.

Yes, it’s true it’s not an affiliate program, you can sell ThemeForest WordPress Themes and Plugins under GPL license.

What is a GPL license?

GPL is a General Public License based theme that is provided for open source, anyone can use it for personal usage. But you don’t have writes to change edit the code inside the Themes.

Based on these GPL Licensed WordPress Themes and Plugins will not get the developer support and frequent future updates on themes and plugins.

Creating New WordPress Themes and WordPress Plugins is difficult and need to spend hours of time and finally, you must have coding knowledge. I share with you 3 ways to create your own GPL WordPress Themes and plugins in an easy way and sell on your website.

Way 1:

One way to create a GPL WordPress Themes by downloading the free WordPress Themes from WordPress.org and redesigning the those themes and plugins UI & UX and create new WordPress Themes & Plugins.

[Remember: All WordPress Free themes are under GPL license, so everyone has a chance to use those codes anywhere]

Sell those redesigned themes and plugins by rebranding with your brand name using a GPL license.

Way 2:

Second-way list out some trusted websites that provide GPL licensed WordPress Themes and Plugins. But they charge you as a monthly or annual membership account with per day download limit mode.

You can download those themes and plugins and resell those with your website with little bit offers in your country festival seasons and make some money.

Way 3:

Finally, the third way start creating your own WordPress Theme and adding a GPL license to your WordPress Theme to sell it. It’s not difficult to create a new WordPress theme if you have website template files with HTML and CSS, then you can convert HTML templates to WordPress themes.


I am a Digital Marketer, Blogger, Web Design and Developer, I have 3 years of experience in all fields. I have built the websites using HTML, CSS, javascript, WordPress and using some frameworks. I am familiar with Facebook Marketing, SEO, Web Design & Development.

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  1. Pluginandthemescreator Reply

    I love this post it always help me to improve myself.

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